HOXNE, a parish in the hundred of Hoxne, county Suffolk, 6 miles SW of Harleston, 35 NE of Eye, and 5 E of the Dip railway station. It is an extensive parish, situated on the S side of the river Waveney, and contains the hamlets of Hilton and Thorpe Hall. It was here that King Edmund was shot to death with arrows by the Danes after his defeat at Thetford. His remains were buried in a wooden chapel, which was converted into a Benedictine cell to Norwich Abbey, after the removal of his body to Bury. This monastery continued to flourish till the Dissolution, when its revenues were returned at £18 10s, and the site and demesne were afterwards granted to Sir R Gresham. The oak tree to which the king is supposed to have been fastened fell in 1848, when an iron arrowhead was found embedded in its wood. Hoxne is a petty sessions town, and head of a Poorlaw Union, comprising 24 parishes and townships. The living is a vicarage with that of Denham annexed, value £450. The church has a large square tower crowned with pinnacles, and is dedicated to Sts Peter and Paul. The interior contains an organ presented by Sir Edward Kerrison, Bart, in 1836. There are also several monuments. The parochial charities produce about £141, of which £54 goes to Lord Maynard’s free school. Adjoining the churchyard are five almshouses, erected by Sir E Kerrison, Bart, for the same number of poor parishioners, with an allowance of 7s per week. Oakley Park, the seat of Sir Edward Kerrison, Bart, who is lord of the manor, is situated in a valley watered by the river Dove. The eastern front is adorned with pillars, and has a gallery 80 feet in length. In the park, which is of considerable extent, is a cross erected at the end of the walk, called St. Mary’s Cross.
The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)
Further registers for Hoxne are included in the FreeREG database.
- Hoxne is part of the Hoxne Hundred
- Hoxne Heritage Group
- The Priory of Hoxne
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