
St Margaret, Hales

HALES is a dispersed village, skirting a green of 66A, from 2 to 3 miles SSE of Loddon. Its parish has 302 souls, and 980 acres of land, in the manors of Hales Hall and Loddon Hall. The Earl of Rosebery is lord of the former, and D Palmer, Esq., of the latter; but a great part of the soil belongs to Sir E Bacon, and Messrs A Freston and E Easter. It was anciently a seat of the Hales family, who had a chapel at the hall, dedicated to St Andrew. The Church (St Margaret,) is a small fabric, with a round tower, and the living is a perpetual curacy, valued, in 1831, at only £32, and now enjoyed by the Rev WW Hobson, MA. Sir EB Smyth, Bart, is the patron, and also impropriator of the tithes, which have been commuted for £204 per annum.
William White, History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

Hales Baptisms 1674-1740 PD 586-1

Hales Baptisms 1741-1812 PD 586-2

Hales Marriages 1704-1740 PD 586-1

Hales Marriages 1741-1812 PD 586-2 and PD 586-3

Hales Burials 1674-1740 PD 586-1

Hales Burials 1741-1812 PD 586-2

Further registers for Hales are included in the FreeReg database.